916.450.1335 [email protected]

Build Your Brand With Display Advertising


Local Display Advertising 

Display advertising builds brand awareness. Brand online using visual messages on top national sites. Display advertising is cost effective and measurable. Put your message in front of local consumers visiting their favorite websites as well as sites that are relevant to your business.  Being top of mind means more consumers will remember you when they are ready to buy. 

We can run individually planned flights or recurring display ad programs.  Cost per mille (CPM)  and Cost per click (CPC)  ranges vary from $1 up to $50 depending upon the publisher.  Our display ads come with full optimization, tracking, and extensive reporting.

We have seen display advertising give a lift of up to 20%  when used in an online strategy with search marketing.


Behavioral Display Advertising 

There are many targeting choices to display your banner ad to local consumers. Those who have shown an interest in topics, products, and services relevant to your business are ideal.  Based on a quick assessment, we can begin to create a program for your business. We use all the targeting types listed below.

Audience targeting:  Third Party Audience targeting allows advertisers to only target specific users who match a set of characteristics or interests. For example, advertisers can choose to have their ads served only to users who match chosen segments such as “Interest:: Home Improvement: Green Products ” or “In-Market:: Real Estate: Commercial Properties“.  We can find the viable customers in consideration and put your ads on sites they visit. 

Contextual targeting Contextual targeting allows advertisers to only place their ads on pages that meet their topical criteria. For example, advertisers can choose to have their ads served only on pages that match chosen topical categories such as “Home & Garden:: Home Improvement” or “Medical Health:: Cosmetic Medical Services. 

Our ability to offer programmatic display advertising gives you the ability to create your own custom packages and to target the demographic your after, in the exact market your serve. No more excessive DMA programs or those where you don’t know where your ad shows. Here are some behavioral ad programs we have put together for past clients.

Display Advertising Campaign Example –

News Behavioral, Home Improvement, Affluent 100K+, Entertainment, Baby-Boom Behavioral, B2B Business , Social (Linked-In & Facebook), Automotive, Hispanic Shoppers, New home buyers, New to the area,  Parents, Mobile, Health & Beauty, Pets, Travel,  High Value Shopping Behavior, Good Credit Customers, and many more.  Let us know who you’re trying to reach and we can put together some recommendations.



This display advertising solution is powered by two distinct targeting methods that identify Intent and Consideration.  View our retargeting solutions here. 

Intent- Commonly known as Re-Marketing, or Site Re-Targeting.  Using cookies and pixels we can mark customers that have visited your website ( intent)  and serve your message to them on websites they visit after they have left your site.

Consideration-  Commonly known as keyword re-targeting. Utilizing 3rd party  IP data we can identify customers that have been searching and surfing for information related to your business and deliver your ads to them on the website they visit…  IE if you were selling Jelly you could find people that had been looking at Peanut Butter, or Toast  and target them by their IP addresses

The Peerless Difference



Display Advertising Features


  • Alternate Web Placements.
  • Managed Placements
  • Demand Side Platform
  • Endemic Targeting – Topic Centric Websites
  • Target Based on Interest & Topic
  • Contextual Targeting of Content
  • Behavioral Targeting based on visit history
  • 1st Party Data Re-Marketing 
  • 3rd Party Data Providers.
  • Geographic targeting- City to DMA
  • Above fold placements Only 
  • Zero non-viewable impressions ever
  • Ad Mapping Multi Geo Ad Rotation *
  • 9 available ad sizes
  • Comm Score placements.



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