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Improve WordPress Page Speed

Yslow can be fixed.

Fix YSlow Issues

YSlow is software that analyzes websites and compares it to benchmark performance criteria. Core web vitals and criteria that consists of 23 factors based on search engine rules for optimally performing websites. You should check your website speed at either GTmetrix or  Google Page Speed Insights.  Simply enter your website and you will receive a score plus recommendations on how to improve your score.  Learn more about core web vitals here. 

What is the Front End?

The “Front End” is essentially everything involved in the interaction between your website and the visitors browser.  This includes all the resources on your website, like CSS, HTML, Javascript, Images and Video.  Front End Optimization is the process of fine tuning aspects of your website so it interacts quicker and provides a better user experience. Front-end optimization is predictable and there is always a list of items that can be fixed.

Interpreting YSlow Scores

A high score means your site is optimally using resources and rendering in an acceptable time frame.  Great Job!  A low performance score means your website is not rendering as fast as it should be.  Over time this can have dramatic impacts on your expertise, authority and trustworthiness (EAT). If your site takes 5oo milliseconds too long you to render may be penalized and when you do get visitors many may leave before your website shows up on their devices.

Performing sites have been shown to increase visitor retention and user satisfaction. Slow content has been shown to lead to site abandonment. Bad performing sites are slow to display and slow to respond to input. Bad performing sites also increase site abandonment. 

We improved our website performance in less than an hour .

Elements of YSlow Score


Defer Parsing of JavaScript

When someone visits your site, the server delivers the HTML contents of your website to that visitor’s browser. The visitor’s browser then starts from the top; going through the code to render your site. If it finds any JavaScript, it stop rendering the rest of the page until it can fetch and parse the JavaScript file. It will do this for each script that it finds, which can have a negative effect on your site’s page load times.

Leverage Browser Caching

Everytime a web page is visited, a browser downloads all content of the particular page as well as common static files like css and js files. And when you visit other pages of same website, your browser downloads them all again. This can slow things down.

However if you have Leverage Browser Caching, then all statics files will serve from your browser instead of the server. Now when there are visits to any pages of the particular website, it will only download unique content of the page; static files will be served from your browser. This will speed up each page of a website.

Minify JS and CSS

Minification is the process of minimizing code and markup in your web pages and script files. It’s a primary method used to reduce load times and bandwidth usage on websites. Minification dramatically improves WordPress site speed and accessibility, directly translating into a better user experience. It’s also beneficial to users accessing your website through a limited data plan and who would like to save on their bandwidth usage while surfing the web. Site speed directly related to YSlow. 

Reduce HTTPS Requests

Lets say a website template consists of one HTML file, two CSS files and 16 images—including your logo and various menu backgrounds. In total, a browser would need to make 19 HTTP requests to load an empty page on your site. Its important to note that a visitor using google chrome can only open six connections at a time, so the browser will queue any remaining requests.

We enhance wordpress speed by removing unneeded plugins, themes, tools, and unused data files. Compressing images can keep your image quality even at a fraction of the file size. We can optimize images, files size and names, keeping server resources in check. Many websites have images that have resolutions way larger than is needed. This is often an easy way to improve your YSlow score. 

Implement Lazy Loading.

Only serve request for images when a user scrolls to that part of the page. Lazy loading can reduce the number of HTTPS Requests. There are several plugins to improve the speed of your WordPress site.

Use a Content Delivery Network ( CDN)

A Content Delivery Network or CDN is a network of servers that delivers cached static content from websites based on the geographic location of the user, not your host. CDN is not a hosting service that is independent of this.

Currently your web host is serving your website from a single location. Every visitor accesses your website from the same server, so if you have high traffic it will slow down your site. A CDN will save a copy of your site, when users visit, the request is fulfilled at the closest CDN so it reduces the load on your hosting server making it faster and more efficient.

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